
The targets for this challenge are all instantiations of SMAesH on FPGAs. The latter is a 32-bits masked implementation of the AES-128 encryption algorithm. For the challenge, we first instantiate it at the first order security (\(d=2\)).

We have two FPGA targets: the Chipwhisperer CW305 with an Artix-7 Xilinx FPGA and the Sakura-G with a Spartan-6 FPGA.

The challenge for the Artix-7 target is in a fully white-box profiled setting: the full implementation is open-source, including the bitstream. The profiling datasets for this target include the full seed randomness, therefore the complete state of the FPGA is known for the profiling traces. Refer to Artix-7 for detailled explanations.

For the Spartan-6, the profiling setting is more constrained: only the SMAesH core is open-source, and the remaining part of the design is kept secret. The profiling datasets for this target only contain the value of the key and the plaintext. Of course, challenge participants can perform measurement on their own instance of SMAesH on a Sakura-G, or use the Artix-7 dataset as a starting point to build an attack. Refer to Spartan-6 for detailled explanations.